Investors Marketplace
At “Investors Market-place,” you can efficiently list and sell your investment properties, connecting directly with a network of eager investors. Our platform streamlines the selling process, significantly boosting the visibility and sale potential of your properties.
Our platform stands out by eliminating the need for intermediaries. By facilitating direct transactions between sellers and buyers, we ensure a more efficient and cost-effective process. This means you can avoid the typical fees and middleman costs, ensuring a better financial outcome for your property sales.
Our platform offers a powerful wholesaling listing online system to facilitate rapid deal analysis and contract generation. This ensures that you can secure and assign contracts efficiently, maximizing your investment turnaround time. Its user-friendly interface simplifies the listing and management of deals, boosting overall efficiency. exceptional visibility and reach for your listings, connecting you with a wide network of eager investors. This increased exposure significantly enhances the potential for quicker sales and better deal terms, making it a powerful tool for wholesalers aiming to market their deals more effectively and profitable.
Owner Finance
Navigate Listings with the aid of our powerful integrations. These tools simplify the process of structuring owner-financed deals, making it easier to tailor terms that align with your investment strategy. Specialized templates contracts ensure that all legal and financial issues are adequately addressed. This not only streamlines the deal-making process but also provides a layer of security and compliance, making these transactions smoother and more reliable for all parties involved.
Creative Deals
Explore our Creative Deals section, equipped with tools for evaluating ‘Subject To’ options, rent-to-own agreements, wrap around notes, and other innovative strategies. Subject To transactions, a strategy where you take over property payments without assuming the loan, are facilitated by our platform’s unique analytical tools and exclusive attorney-written agreements, enabling a deeper assessment of risks and benefits. Embrace the power of innovation in real estate investment with our platform, where creativity meets practicality and security.
Agent Off Market
Agents leverage relationships with high-quality landlords who own properties rented to reliable tenants and managed by professional property management firms. These properties are not actively for sale as they generate consistent cash flows for their current landlords. However, they represent a unique opportunity: though not listed on the market, these landlords are open to considering sales proposals. This section offers a gateway to potentially lucrative investments in well-managed, cash-flowing properties that are otherwise hidden from the open market.
Smart Automations
Embrace the Efficiency of Smart Automations & Integrations at Texas Investment Properties
We specialize in integrating advanced apps to speed up transactions. Our platform makes complex investment processes easier, helping both new and experienced investors act quickly. This approach simplifies investing for beginners and lets seasoned investors work more efficiently, boosting productivity and the impact of each real estate deal.
Based Apps
Deal Automation
Vendor Automation

The “Vendor Automation” tool efficiently combines two essential services for real estate projects into one streamlined system:
Find Contractors: This feature assists in locating reliable contractors tailored to specific project needs by filtering through a network of professional craftsmen.
Find Service Providers: It offers quick access to services vital for real estate transactions, such as lenders, insurance quotes, title management, photographers, and property inspectors. This integration ensures optimal coverage, cost-effectiveness, and streamlines interactions with various service providers, significantly easing the management of key real estate transaction components.